Who can believe it has been three years since Dulcie made her blog debut!! What a star she is...and to add to the good news her 'Girl Gang' has expanded with the addition of Nancy and Phoebe - I feel the dog version of the Spice Girls on our hands!!
There has been so much on the news and TV recently about 'Puppy Farms' and it looks like finally there may be stricter laws on this barbaric practice. Although we hear a lot about the awful goings on in this awful trade we don't often hear the success stories.
This blog is actually an update on Dulcie and an introduction to her Sassy Sisters, they went through the ordeal of being kept on a puppy farm but were thankfully rescued by 'Many Tears Animal Rescue'. From there they went on to win the lottery and find themselves in the arms of the most fabulous owner they could ever wish for, here is their story as told by their doting Mum.
The Delightful Dulcie
Dulcie is a joy. She is so loving and affectionate. Deciding to adopt her has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. She has grown a lot and the poor coat that worried me so much is now thick and luxuriant. She has a lot of blonde fluff on her head and legs which makes us think there is probably a bit of Cocker Spaniel in the mix. She also has the Cocker spirit and bit of bonkersness that makes her fun to live with. Here she is with a little cup she was given at her training class for trying so hard. I was so proud of her.
I was not so proud on the night she stole and ate a large bag of mixed fruit. Sorry and thank you Louise! Nor on the afternoon she stole and ate my birthday chocolates and only left me two orange creams. Sorry and thank you Colin! Apart from that she hasn’t ailed much at all. All those pilchards seem to have done the trick.
Nancy's Story.
This is Nancy. She has been with us for about two years now and she is the most frightened dog I have ever dealt with.
She came from an Irish puppy farm which was shown on Panorama. It was closed down as a result and about 130 dogs were rescued. I hadn’t watched the programme but a friend who is made of sterner stuff than me said the owner was keeping his breeding bitches in hutches like tea chests with a lid on with just a rabbit dripper for water. When I collected Nancy from her fosterer you simply could not handle her. She froze when I touched her and flew round the room like a mountain goat if I attempted to pick her up and hold her. She was terrified of anything coming down from above her, like the car boot. She wouldn’t take treats from my hand I had to put them on the floor and let her approach gradually. The key to Nancy was to take her out. She loved being outside from the start and once I got her collar and lead and harness with a long training lead on her she was happy and we were off! She has never run off, she has had first rate recall from the start. She is still a different dog outdoors. All the tension leaves her face and she is joyful and playful. She loves the car and stands up and watches everything going past.
She is still very wary and shy but she will ask for her turn if the others are having a cuddle and she will play with toys but stops if she sees me watching her. She is very vocal when asking for her dinner or telling me to open the door for her. She loves her comfort and is first in front of the woodburner after tea.
Even after two years she is making progress and every tiny step forward is a thrill. She is so pretty and absolutely adorable and her puppies must have made a lot of money for the creep who exploited her.
...Last of all came Phoebe about eighteen months ago.
Phoebe had spent about six years living in a puppy farm in Ireland producing pups for sale like a little machine. Her teats were nearly on the ground she had fed so many litters. She had broken teeth and a split tongue and I don’t like to think too closely about how that might have happened. They had had to shave her at he rescue she was in such a mess. She was very stressed and scared and she circled constantly for the first few days.
She has turned out to be the merriest, funniest, most loving little girl anyone could imagine. She sings happily to me as I make her meal and will sleep on my knee all evening. She loves her walks and sniffing new smells. We have started classes and she is absolutely tip top at heel work, her eyes never leave me. Anything else is pretty hopeless, she is far too anxious to do anything that involves letting me walk away from her in a strange environment. She loves her new life and she acts like she thinks she is the luckiest girl in the world.
So if anyone is thinking of taking on an ex breeder as a rescue my advice would be….It’s not for the faint hearted and don’t expect them to be grateful. It can be long journey and I have needed all my experience and optimism. But the rewards have been in the thrill of each step along the way and the pleasure I have had from earning their trust and love.

I hope this is interesting for you. By the way I don’t get steak at the Ivy! Let alone them. You have a vivid imagination about my life. I wish! Their favourite tea is fish in all its forms, the smellier the better and then they give fishy kisses.
This has been a blog of mixed emotions for me, on one hand it is heart breaking to hear what these beautiful souls have been through and to know that there are thousands of puppies this very second going through the same. On the other hand I could burst with sunshine reading how far these three beauty's have come along and how their lives couldn't be more different than before. They are three very special girls with an extra special owner.
Please share this blog - it is such an important message to spread and people need to know how in this day and age Puppy farms ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE!!
If you would like to read more please have a read of 'Dulcies Blog' in the link below.
Thank you so much for reading this blog, my next blog will cover what to look for in a breeder so watch this space.........
All credits for this blog should go to Dulcie, Nancy and Phoebes Mum, thank you again for keeping us updated and lock up those chocolates haha!!xxx
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